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Writer's pictureIqbal Mohammed

Webinar on Upcoming Judicial Applications

Webinar in partnership with Judicial Appointments Commission this Thursday, 6.30pm

Webinar with JAC this Thursday 6.30pm -- REGISTER NOW

As promised, in the short time we've had, bearing in mind the 2020 Recorder Competition closes next week and the Deputy High Court Judge competition opened today, MALA has collaborated with the Judicial Appointments Commission and organised a webinar focusing on these competitions, particularly the Recorder competition.

The webinar will look at the application process in detail and focus on the qualities of a successful applicant. MALA held a similar event last year for 2019's competition and received positive feedback from prospective applicants and many who had not considered applying.

MALA thanks St Philips Chambers for generously supporting this event.

This event is free and open to all. Please register here. There will be an opportunity to ask the speaker's questions and you are welcome to submit them in advance if you wish to


  • His Honour Judge Afzal, MALA President and Circuit Judge

  • Rachel Billingham, Senior Selection Exercise Team Manager, JAC

  • Kira Jainudeen, Senior Operational Delivery Manager, JAC

2020 Competitions 

JAC has opened a new competition for those wanting to apply to become Recorders. Full details are here. Deadline is 16 September. 

A Deputy High Court Judge campaign also opened today, deadline 29 September. Full Details here


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